The health care debate is one of three non-personal attack issues in the upcoming elections November 2. The other two are the the size of government/budget deficit, and jobs. The health care debate makes me sick, and is just another example of how the wealthy seek to confuse the average voting American. And when I say "average," I mean the bottom 80% of households in this country, who own a combined 7% of the wealth of this nation (remember, the top 1% of households own 43% of the wealth, the next top 19% of households own 50% of the wealth). Almost everyone who is likely to read this blog are in the 80% group).
I'm not going to dive into the tar pit which has become the recent history of health care, I'll just say it wasn't supposed to be so complicated, but special interests such as the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry bought weak-minded and spineless people in Washington and made it as complex as string theory (if you don't know about string theory, google it, and good luck understanding it).
In the Bible, it is written that Jesus once said, ""If you had a sheep that fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn't you work to pull it out? Of course you would. And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep!" (Matthew 12:11-12). Now, in the USA, most of us do not have sheep, but we do have cars. The law requires that EVERY car on the road have auto insurance, or else. I'm not in a position to speak for Jesus, but I do have to wonder out loud, if we must have car insurance, shouldn't people be required to have health insurance? How much more valuable is a human life than a car?
Almost all of us have stories about not having adequate or no health care, or at least we know others with such personal stories. And unless you are among the very wealthy (i.e., in that top 20% of households), you need health insurance to be able to afford adequate health care, if you value your own life.
Any politician who says or implies that national health care is not needed, is inherently wasteful spending, or is a burden on the people, is a liar, and has their own greedy agenda which has nothing to do with treating people at least as well as the cars they use. Do they think Jesus would agree with them?
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